Similarities And Differences Between Individuals In Relationships

This is what I believe about similarities and differences between individuals in relationships: while differences often attract us to another, in the long term, our similarities—areas of compatibility— keep us together.

So, I think that it is good for you—necessary, even—to take a really close look at your partner to discover who he or she truly is. Learn from your partner as you acquire for yourself some of his or her good qualities as you review and recreate your own personal script. Notice also the impact of your script on your partner.

Similarities in ideas, goals, and lifestyle preferences make for a happy and enduring long-term relationship.

If you are in a healthy relationship, you will actually do this naturally (sometimes consciously and sometimes not). You will notice something in your partner that you admire. It might be how he or she deals with a salesperson, or kindness and generosity to people in distress.

As you notice admirable things in your partner, you may even consciously decide that that is how you also want to be seen and therefore copy those behaviors until they become yours as well.

This is what I mean by “becoming more like your partner.” If you love and admire your partner, you probably want to be like him or her. And as you become more similar, you’ll like your partner even more.

The changes you make in yourself as you progress through time in your relationship, however, do not tend to change your core personality. So if you are already a happy, serious, conservative, or outrageous person, you will probably still have those qualities.

As you acquire more good qualities as a consequence of your relationship with your partner, they also influence how you live in the future. You can then become the Victor you deserve to be.

While in this context I’m talking about positive qualities it can also be that you acquire their negative qualities which may actually result in you becoming more of a Victim or Visitor.

To the wonder of you,

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