Libido Differences Between Men and Women

Libido Differences


Although it is not always the case, men tend to be turned on sexually more easily than women. Men may also be turned on more easily by sexual stimuli, including fantasy. In addition, sexual tension in a healthy male begins to build again immediately after ejaculation, so men can be ready for sex again quite quickly, although this response slows down with age or health issues. Men can also most often complete the full sexual response cycle sooner.

Men and Sex

Ejaculation can occur on penetration, or even before, but this isn’t always accompanied by orgasm. That takes longer and requires a man to learn to control ejaculation if he is to explore the full range of pleasure he can experience. While on average, the male orgasm is not as strong as in the female, most men certainly appreciate its pleasure.

Women and Sex

Some women are best turned on with stimulating conversation and touching within the context of a relationship filled with emotional warmth and love. But, just as for a man, a woman’s response, and her accompanying libido levels, can vary from woman to woman and from time to time.

A lack of knowledge or commitment to learn ways to build sexual desire can block anyone’s desire, and so can distrust of or anger with a partner. Those who are willing to allow sexual tension to build up with time and who love being with their partners will also love the experience of surrendering to those strong sensations of ecstasy.

The Libido Differences

For men whose sexuality is based on love for a partner, the quality of the sex is more important than the frequency. Men are also generally not multi-orgasmic as many women are. Women take longer to reach the peak of excitation, where for many orgasm occurs. Women who remain high on a plateau stage of excitation can experience another peak, or even more, in quick succession.

However, some women have great difficulty achieving orgasm and some never do (and perhaps never will). For many women, though, orgasm is not what having sex is about; it is about being physically and spiritually connected to another human being as closely as possible.

If You Want Great Sex

Some of the things that influence how responsive a woman is to a man’s sexual approach will not only be the physical environment, but the way the relationship is going at the time as well as how she is feeling in her own body and mind. The situational environment must be conducive to lovemaking, as all of a woman’s senses help decide: color, temperature, sounds, aromas, and the degree of privacy.

Generally, only when she feels safe and without any concern of interruption can a woman truly relax enough to abandon herself to lovemaking. The tone of the male voice and how a man communicates with her and touches her can also be a mood maker or breaker.

And—something you might not have known before—men often only take a moment to decide that the time is right for sex. But some women might need a whole day. So here’s a piece of advice for all you men reading this book: if you want great sex with your woman tonight, then be nice to her all day, starting from the moment you wake up.

To the wonder of you,




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