Distractions That Keep Us from Looking at Our Scripts

Butterfly in the Grasses and ChaosWhat is the connection between physics, literature and science fiction films? Let me stir your grey matter to look for the answer to this question.

Chaos Theory, the Butterfly Effect, the formation of a hurricane and the mind that creates literary pieces … all give us small hints that may give us the solution.

Let me make things easier: the Butterfly Effect refers to a simple action, which at some point in time will result in a significant impact across the planet. Chaos Theory refers to the interplay of everything that happens on our planet and indeed in the universe which it describes as actually happening in a very non-chaotic, even predictable way. They are equally part of the web of life even while seemingly random events.

In the lines below I will reveal why I bring Chaos Theory to your attention.

Every individual affects a whole world of differing cultures made up of networks of many individuals: Person A affects Person C by affecting Person B, because B regularly interacts with C — say, at work or school, and so on throughout the network, forever. If you can picture a spider’s web and put a member of your family, extended family, friendship group, work group, community group, and so on, at every junction, you might get more of a sense of how enmeshed you are with each other person in your life. Now imagine that this spider’s web doesn’t just exist on a single plane but is actually three-dimensional. How much more complicated does that now make it? This is the Butterfly effect.

Scripts entwine and exist between all people with all people.

This happens first, and most obviously, at the family level, where each member of the family affects each other member through their interactions using their body language, words, and political manoeuvring as they gang up on each other.

What I have also come to realize in my work is that cultural differences do not just exist across nationalities or religious groups, but across family groups as well. So in reality, even though your neighbours may be the same nationality or religion as you, they may actually have an entirely different set of customs and beliefs and so are culturally very different from you. And while my mother may have gotten some ideas about child rearing from one friend, she may have gotten other ideas from another friend. The culture of my family then expands further and further into the community it exists in. And while not apparent there is actually an order about this and that is explained by Chaos Theory.

Let’s look at another conundrum: When you’re in conflict you might think that if only the other person could change or be more like they used to be when you first met, then everything would be OK. But this is neither easy, nor so simple. That is because it is difficult to achieve and almost impossible in your mental pictures to “hide” yourself behind yourself. It sounds familiar, doesn’t it: you might distract yourself by having an affair, or by doing any number of other things to fill in time and thereby remove yourself from the conflict? Many people use distractions instead of confronting what the conflict may mean for them and what they could learn or change about themselves that could improve the relationship between them and their partners.

My experience has had me working with couples, in which both partners have hidden in two camps, each of them being behind his/her own personal trench. Some of them use military tactics: working more hours, spending more time at the gym, eating more, eating less, shopping more, gambling, or drinking to excess. But think about it – is this the price you are willing to pay?

Remember that we are all a part of one huge web of life and relationships and, as already mentioned above, we all develop in an indivisible entirety through our dependencies.

The better option is that each of us makes an objective assessment and fearlessly steps out of his/her own personal trench.

And remember, the world is a wonderful place, where each person deserves to be in love and peace with oneself. And who knows, maybe this will become the time when another butterfly is born that will impact the world in a truly positive way that will result in the end of war and poverty and bring true peace.

To the wonder of you,





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