February 26, 2015,
Click on the flyer to see it in full size.
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
Don’t speak to anyone until you have come to this FREE Information Evening with Lidy.
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
Does this sound like you?
You feel like walking out and leaving it all behind.
The only thing stopping you is the kids or finances.
Your partner refuses to talk to you about what is going on.
You don’t know what else you can do.
It seems like separation is the only option left.
You’ve already walked out or been walked out on …
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
In just 90 mins you will get all your questions answered about why relationships end and what you can expect during separation and divorce.
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
You will learn the difference between Mediation and Counselling and what each service has to offer you and your family. You will discover how best to break the news to your spouse and get their full cooperation. And you will find out how to protect your family and your finances.
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
VENUE: Bayview Golf Club
1825 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
DATE: Wednesday 4 March 2015
TIME: 7.15pm – 9.00pm
COST: FREE Come on your own or bring a friend
CONDITIONS: Bookings essential
SUPPER: Coffee and Tea provided
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
If you would like to attend please ring 02 99978518 or email admin@northernbeachescounselling.com.au with the words:
“yes I would like to attend the presentation” to secure your spot. Numbers are limited.
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
Every attendee will receive a FREE copy of our booklet:
“Family Law
Mediation And How
It Can Work For
You” AND
A FREE one hour consultation with Lidy.
Are You Thinking About Separation Or Divorce?
If you would like to attend the free information evening please ring 02 99978518 or email admin@northernbeachescounselling.com.au with the words: “Yes I would like to attend the free information evening”.

Some excerpts from my workshops.
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