February 24, 2015,
Click on the flyer to see it in full size.
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
Is Your Relationship In Trouble? Don’t make any rash decisions until you have booked yourself in to this FREE seminar.
“Lidy has helped thousands of relationships. She may be able to help you too.”
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
In just 90 mins you will learn the 3 simple steps you need to take to get your partner to understand how serious things have become. Is Your Relationship In Trouble? The presentation will give you strategies that you can immediately put into practice to:
1. Understand the problems couples are dealing with
2. Determine the extent of your Circle of Control and Influence
3. Communicate a message that you can be sure will get heard
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
“Walk out of this seminar with a plan to Recharge Your Relationship.”
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
VENUE: Novotel Sydney Central
169 Thomas Street Sydney
DATE: Tuesday 3 March 2015
TIME: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
COST: FREE for you and your partner or friend
CONDITIONS: Bookings essential
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
If you would like to attend please ring 02 99978518 or email admin@northernbeachescounselling.com.au with the words:
“yes I would like to attend the presentation” Numbers limited.
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
One lucky person will also win a FREE copy of
my soon to be bestseller and for anyone who purchases a copy you will receive a beautiful gift as well:
“Love, Lies & The Games Couples Play”
valued at $27.95
Is Your Relationship In Trouble?
If you would like to attend the seminar please ring 02 99978518 or email admin@northernbeachescounselling.com.au with the words: “Yes I would like to attend the seminar”.

Some excerpts from my workshops.
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