Victors, Visitors, and Victims are the three principal life positions we live out in response to our life scripts. The script is the driver, while the life position is how the script is presented to the world. Let’s take a closer look at each of these positions and the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that underpin them.
The Victors of the world are those who live out all the positive things from their scripts. They are the leaders of industry as well as the person on the street who does nice things for others for no reason other than from the goodness of his or her heart.
Victors may become world famous or just recognized within family and friendship circles as being genuinely caring of others while also taking care of themselves.
Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward use the term “winner” to describe this person. In Born to Win, they offer this definition:
A winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society.
In other words, a Victor is someone who sets personal goals, plans and strategizes about how to achieve them, and then goes about doing so.
Your goals and what you ultimately create in your life reflect the life position you adopt in response to your script. These can include:
- Who you will marry
- How many children you will have
- What sort of career you will pursue, and within what industry
- How much money you will make
- What sort of lifestyle you will enjoy
- How healthy you will be and what your fitness and diet regimen will be.
However, whether you can be called a Victor is not determined by how much money you make, what position you fill, or how successful you are in industry.
For example, a top executive of a Fortune 500 international corporation who travels the world and loves the lifestyle that the work provides could be considered a Victor. But so could a suburban tradesperson who isn’t paid as much but has a passion for working with his or her hands. This person may not want to trade jobs with the executive for anything in the world.
To the wonder of you,

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