A Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who, wide-eyed and full of dreams, left her hometown by the coast and followed her knight in shining armor to the city.
Their wedding was a spectacular affair befitting a princess and her prince, and they came to live in a castle overlooking the sea.
Years passed, and it seemed that they had everything they could want, including a lavish lifestyle with all the trimmings. They were a young family of standing in their community, with four beautiful children.
But, fourteen years later, this young girl, now grown and much wiser, looked for more from her relationship than it seemed her prince was able to give.
Through much turmoil and heartache, she ended the relationship and created a life as a single mom. She let go of the trappings of her position as a princess and left the castle.
She found somewhere to live that was simple but clean and raised her children on her own until, with a very new understanding of relationships, she met her true knight in shining armor, but this time an ordinary man, and began a relationship that has endured for more than twenty years.
This woman, now much older, has drawn so much from her life’s ups and downs that she passes on the secrets she discovered about relationships to all those who come into her life, personally and professionally.
She no longer sees herself as a princess but as a woman, and now a real woman deserving of the very best from herself and her partner. And (as all good fairy tales should end) she lived happily ever after.
Too Little Too Late
You might have got that this is actually my story, but it could be anyone’s.
You see I came to a time in my life where I realized that something had to happen in my relationship before I sank into the abyss of mediocrity. I had to accept that my relationship was far from good and that there was no-one to blame but myself.
I now had a choice; either I was going to stay in the relationship and possibly sink with it or I was going to do something different. Then there was a further choice; to either change what I was doing in the relationship, and to encourage my husband to change with me, or to move on and start again.
I spent many hours in counseling reviewing my options and considering the impact my choices would have on me and my children as well as on my husband. My husband attended counseling with me but sadly for us any changes that we may have made became too little too late. In truth I had fallen out of love and I did not know how to revive it.
Maybe you’re in a similar place to where I was. Or maybe you’re on a new couple’s journey and want to ensure that your relationship never ends up where mine was. Wherever you are in your relationship, whatever stage you are in, my mission in writing this book is to show you the way to discover your “happy ever after” just as I have found mine.
To the wonder of you,

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