As I now understand it as an adult, one of my script beliefs came to be that my needs are not important. I felt that I was only as good as the cog in the wheel that drove the machine that was our family business.
The interesting thing to note here is that it was fairly likely that my parents never actually intended for me to acquire this belief, let alone having it be one that I would grow up with and take into my own adult relationships. My perception of my life as I was growing up created my script beliefs, regardless of my parents’ intentions.
Whatever our intentions are as parents our children will make decisions about their lives based entirely on their understanding of what they see. |
And, of course, this belief did go with me into my adult relationships and into my first marriage. And if I didn’t believe I was important, how could my first husband believe it?
And, just as I had my script that attracted me to him, he had his own script belief that subconsciously attracted him to me. His script was most likely the opposite of mine. It may have been something like “A woman’s place is in the home, supporting her husband’s career and taking care of the children.” And in truth, how could it have been otherwise, since this was what he had grown up with? We then lived out our individual scripts until we pushed each other away…or was it that we pulled ourselves away and fulfilled part of our scripts through our separation?
Thankfully, both of us have grown up since then and have changed our script beliefs, so that neither of us feels threatened any more by the other, and we have found peace.
To the wonder of you,

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