Stage 5 of the Relationship: Happily Ever After

The ultimate goal for every relationship is “happily ever after.” When you are at this stage, you just know in your heart that it is exactly where you should be. It really is about forever and knowing in your heart that it will never be any other way.

This stage is about being independent of and interdependent with your partner at the same time. It is where the two of you, your separate “me’s,” exist side by side and the “we” becomes the concrete that binds you. It is the place where the two of you have the capacity to achieve even more together than separately.

A study done with sled dogs symbolizes the unbelievable power of couples in this stage of their relationship. The research (if I remember it correctly) discovered that two sled dogs could pull not just twice the load of one sled dog, but three times the load of one dog on its own. Can you imagine that? So, if one sled dog can pull fifty kilograms, then two could pull not a hundred, but up to a hundred fifty. I think this is amazing.

This exhibits one meaning of the phrase “strength in numbers,” and is exactly the point I would like to make about the power of being part of a couple that has reached this stage. For each person in the couple, as well as for everyone close to the couple, the force they exert is simply extraordinary.

There are many examples of the power couples, and groups of individuals everywhere, can and do exert. A story that keeps coming up in my local community is that of a family who has had to endure more than most families.

The couple had two children and was just going about their normal business when one day a car careered out of control and drove into a child care center where their youngest child attended. She was trapped under the burning vehicle and suffered severe burns and injuries. She survived when she perhaps should not have and through the care and devotion of her family was brought back to health.

Three years later the child, still severely disabled, was able to attend school. Her parents returned to work and life again became somewhat normal. Then on a cool autumn afternoon the little girl had been collected from school by her nanny and was being wheeled in her stroller across a pedestrian crossing when again she was struck by a car and thrown 18 meters further down the road. Another round of operations ensued and there are more to come for this little girl and her family who simply refused to give in.

The parents in response to these accidents joined together to create a charity whose purpose is to focus on the prevention of burn-related diseases. The charity’s name is: “Day of Difference Foundation” and many of you, especially those living in Australia will know the name of the little girl – Sophie Delezio.

This story clearly demonstrates the power of many as this family continues to care for this child and each other through what has become many horrifically difficult times and even more wonderful is the way they have reached out to their whole community who in turn has stepped up and embraced this family. Here is strength in numbers being played out to its fullest.

To the wonder of you,

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