Discover Your Conditions for Great Sex

Discover Your Conditions for Great Sex

An Exercise:

To discover your conditions for great sex:

  1.  Get a piece of paper and a pen and set aside half an hour or so. Think back to your best-ever sexual experience or experiences. If you have never had a great sexual experience, just imagine one or go find one of your favorite romantic movies.
  2. Now write down all the things that made (or would have made) the experience(s) so good. They could be emotional factors (being in love or happy and relaxed), physical factors (feeling fit, well, and sober), relationship factors (feeling safe or in love with your partner), or situational factors, such as privacy or timing.
  3. Next, think of your worst (or your imagined worst) sexual experience. Write down all the things that made the experience(s) unsatisfactory using the same criteria as previously used.
  4. What you have now is a list of do’s and don’ts that can become the basis for your good conditions for great sex. Write them out carefully and discuss them with your partner.

Whenever you are being sexual with your partner, it is in your best interest to make sure the best sexual circumstances of both of you are met. And if you want to have a great sexual experience, you owe it to your partner to let him or her know what would make it great for you.

It is important to regularly review your set of conditions and then, with your partner, or on your own if you prefer, experiment with something new to see how it feels. This is what keeps sex not just great, but novel and exciting, every time you come together.

And of course, the same goes for your partner. They say that “variety is the spice of life,” and for great sex over the many years of a relationship, it is essential.

To the wonder of you,


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